Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Carolines Mode...

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                                                                            via     http://carolinesmode.com/caroline/
You all know gorgeous Caroline as well as her amazing site  http://carolinesmode.com/caroline/  , as well as today i direct these photos every bit a peachy inspiration!She has unique trend alongside perfect shoes, bags, coats as well as accessories. And the other matter that i looove nearly her is lineament of photos as well as peachy optic for catching details as well as fashionable people all approximately the world!
I dok konačno ne otpoli, evo nekoliko fotografija koje sam odabrala kao odličnu inspiraciju. Verujem da dosta vas zna o kome se radi , u pitanju je divna Caroline sa    http://carolinesmode.com/caroline/  , koja je inače i fotograf za Stockholm street style, čije fotografije obožavamoo!Njen stil jeste drugačiji, odlične čizme, torbe, detalji...jednom rečju savršeno! Nadam se da ću jednog dana dostići kvalitet njenih fotografija jer je to još jedna stvar koju volim kod nje. Jednostavno uživam dok listam te stranice!
